Consumer Products
My challenge: create a Halloween promotion that incorporated the brand's new campaign centered on the Butterfinger Investigators. My insight: the most Butterfinger thieves this time of year were parents, liberally helping themselves to their children’s stash. We encouraged parents to “Turn Yourself In” – sign an online “confession” for a chance to win $25,000. (Concept, Copy, Creative Strategy & Direction)
What better way to extend the Snickers “You’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign than to leverage the brand’s iconic packaging to give shoppers the opportunity to either self-identify or give a bar to a friend in need. (Concept, Copy, Creative Strategy & Direction)
Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has helped fill funding gaps in the treatment of sick kids. We helped Crunch lead a program that resulted in a $350,000 donation to the organization. We had actual kids who were being treated by the network’s hospitals design our bars to amplify the program, in which a portion of every purchase contributed to the donation. (Copy, Creative Direction)
The first M&M's brand-building equity promotion to earn over $50MM in sales; Silver Reggie Award Winner for National Promotion. (Concept, Copy, Creative Strategy & Direction)
To help launch the new CRUNCHing campaign, my team created CRUNCHing Starter Kits, containing a bar, a bag of Buncha Crunch, and a #CRUNCHing sticker, to reinforce the tongue-in-cheek idea that your life will immediately improve once you start CRUNCHing. Consumers claimed the entire lot of free kits in mere seconds during each of four Instagram giveaways. (Copy, Creative Direction)
An ad positioning Combos as the ideal on-the-go snack. (Concept, Copy, Creative Strategy & Direction)
This campaign positioned Mars brands as having superior ingredients in response to a competitor's recipe change. It raised brand awareness and prompted a huge gain in social media followers. (Concept, Copy)
The team at AeroAggregates was already well-established via commercial usage of their ultra-lightweight foam glass aggregates. But they wanted to expand by introducing this innovative product to consumers. I helped create their entire identity, packaging, and website. (Copy, Creative Direction)
The jellybean wars are real. Naturally, Starburst wanted to capture its fair share at Easter. Thus this print ad. (Concept, Copy, Creative Direction)
A sales brochure highlighting the Mars brands' dominance during the holiday season and showcasing new and returning offerings to entice major retailers. (Copy)
In case you needed a little something after all that candy... (Copy)
At the holidays, stylish tins are a great stocking stuffer. We gave consumers a fun poem to read while scarfing their Milk Chocolate M&M’s. (Copy)
Launching Ms. Brown, the first new M&M's Character in 13 years, was a big deal: the brand's non-product initiative of all time. My team created a national promotion that tied the news back to the product and brought it to life in-store with eye-catching packaging and displays. (Concept, Copy, Creative Strategy & Direction)
Adapting brand campaign elements (bottom left) to be relevant and effective in-store. (Copy, Creative Direction)
For Tylenol's "Feel Better" campaign, my team created this calendar chock full of healthcare tips and purchase incentives all year long. We also provided versatile merchandising options to address channel-specific preferences. (Copy)